Since everything is not meant to be serious, I thought I'd share the story here of how I once got slapped by a monkey.
The year was 2018, and a bunch of folks from my then office went on a road/camping trip to Gandikota (frequently called the 'Grand Canyon' of India). We reached the site and climbed the rocks to get a better view of the surroundings, and as is the case with so many of the common 'natural' tourist places in India, the place was teeming with monkeys. (I exaggerate a little; there were a few monkeys here and there).
We are often advised to not carry food items as the monkeys may try to steal it from you I just carried my blue bottle.
And as it were, I encountered a monkey 🐒 that made a grab for my water bottle. I grabbed it back without thinking much of it. And the monkey then tried slapping me; but since it's much smaller than me it felt like a toddler or baby hitting with me without much force. Then some of the gentlemen in the team with me kinda helped me shoo away the monkey as I walked away (which was kind of hard - to balance on the large rocks and everything).
Every time I told this story to my friends it got a laugh (even though I wasn't laughing when it happened - it sure is funny to think back on the situation and talk about it).
So there's my story of how a monkey slapped you have any such funny stories to share?
- Jeffy
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