
Why do people get to feel happy, if it’s all going to go away one day and be replaced with a horrible empty sadness?
Why do people meet other people who totally know them, will stick with them and Love them- ONLY to lose them at some point?

Why do we even bother with love?
Why do we even bother with making friends?
 I know it makes the journey worthwhile, and I know it’s foolish to think that we can make it on our own, all alone.
Because we can’t do that, we need other people. No matter how independent a person we are.
[We know this to be true because : as kids, I'm sure, we all either had to go without any real, faithful friends for a while- or at least had this period of separation from them-that made us feel bad. Just plain bad.]
But, no matter how many people we do end up having in our lives…it doesn’t matter if we don’t even Love ourselves. 
and even if we don't learn this ourselves, God has a Way of putting people in our lives to teach us these things, and hopefully lead us out of our own misery. But it's up to us to accept it.
Because the most helpful ‘other people’ can be, is to show us the way, and to let us know that they are there.
It’s up to our own self to pick ourselves and go that way. It’s up to us to let them be there for us. 

Life is weird.

But, there’s always something that keeps me hanging on.
Hope creeps up ever so often, and things sometimes make sense.
Most times,  it's confusing, very confusing.

Sometimes, though, I think it's enough to know that you're not the only one out there, feeling this way. (this is where you click the play button to the following video :) ) 

(all video credits go to Paramore.)
OH, and Thank You Christina Roshini Samuel- for reading the previous version of this post, giving your awesome constructive criticism and for showing me the important thing that was missing in it. : D


  1. sOoo true mahnnn!!

  2. Wow, I don't know. You're very right about that, for sure! This one struck a chord somewhere (I haven't a clue where?) But it helped realize that no ones alone in having to feel alone. Everyone feels that way at some point. Again, very well written. The song video was again very true! And thank you for sharing a wonderful blog and song. Learnt a lot of things to keep in mind and heart! :)

    1. Thank you for being one of the first few to check this page out and comment and stuff :)

  3. thoughtful read !! we meet to depart anyways .. what remains but ashes.. :) nice post !!

    1. feels good to know that you took the time to think over this :D

  4. We are created in the image of God. And John says God is love. And then we know how God loves us therefore its obvious that love will flow from God. I think thats why God created us....


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