I’m not one to work myself to exhaustion, usually. Of
course, when the occasion arises I suddenly arises I tend to push myself a
little more than usual (say, on the night before a class assignment submission
date.) But, lately I find that I’ve started trying to work for longer hours to
get more done.
But, unfortunately – it turns out my system (my body )
doesn’t function like that.
The more I try to stay focused on only the work I have to do,
the less is the quality of the work and the satisfaction that I derive from
life in general (including that work).
It has simply led to exhaustion.
It turns out that
work, like many other things in life, is paradoxical like that.
The better I choose
to enjoy life as a whole, my relationship with God, friends, family, vacation
time, rest periods, hobbies, play time – the better I am at choosing to enjoy
and be passionate about the work that I have chosen to do & this gives my
genuine strength and the interest that I need to produce good results.
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