Where is God when it hurts?

The evening my mother passed away, I happened to read a certain Bible verse which said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" and it changed my life forever. However, in the lives of many others and in other times of my life- God has chosen to be silent during several times of pain and suffering. Here, we begin to question, "Where is God?" "Is God real?" or "Doesn't God love me anymore?"
    Cancer, typhoon Haiyan, not getting accepted for a job are examples of frustrating circumstances that are out of our control - but still causes us pain. But, God holds the Universe in His hand and is completely capable of changing these situations for those who ask Him to- and in many cases He has. When Jesus walked on our planet as a man- He did just that, heal many, calm the sea and give sight to the blind. But even Jesus was not exempt from suffering.
   God Himself asked His little boy to die on the cross. On the cross, Jesus asked the same question we ask today "God, why did You leave me?"
   When everything is alright- it is easy to trust in a good God. However, when the storm begins to rise we question Him, lose our hope and wonder if perhaps we were wrong to trust Him all along.
 If for a moment, we trust that God is the Loving Father- He promises He is, then it must hurt Him more to not heal us when we are broken, than to perform the Miracle we've asked Him to perform.
 Perhaps God doesn't want us to go through tough situations, perhaps He wants us to grow through them (quote by Moriah Peters).
Perhaps He wants something better for us - that we cannot see yet. As a Father, He yearns for us to trust Him completely. For Jesus' obedience, even unto death on the cross, did free us all forever.
Inexplicable pain exists, but He is there-before it, during it, in the midst of it and after it. All we have to do is trust that He is.

"Jamie Bennett: What if we stop believing in you?  
Jack Frost: Hey, slow down, slow down! Are you telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?
Jamie Bennett: No.
Jack Frost: Well, do you stop believing in the sun when the clouds block it out?
Jamie Bennett: No.
Jack Frost: We'll always be there, Jamie. And now, we'll always be here.
[points to Jamie's heart]
Jack Frost: Which kind of makes you a Guardian too."
                                                         - quote from Rise of the Guardians

Images from Google.
Further reading Resources: Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey


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