Hello there reader! :)
Sort of as a sequel to the last post here (Death) is this one.

Life is a lot of different things put together and in each season of Life it means something different.
Here's what my life has been about in this season(which I've tried to put in words in a letter I wrote to God a while back.)
Dear God,                                                                                                                      14/6/2013

(I've edited out the beginning of this letter to God) ...
        Primarily because I am not CRYSTAL CLEAR about the matter yet  ( like You said. ) but also because - Now's the time I'm really GROWING IN YOU. Now is Life filled with mistakes and lessons- where I learn how to do it with just You and me :). 'Cause that's my Purpose.
OH, YES, life's about my Purpose which is Following You and lifting other people up instead of putting them down. It's about You and me. Life's about my Passions which are extensions of myself. And about making a living to help other people ( financially, as well) some day. Life (right now)'s about developing hobbies like MUSIC that gives me a positive reach into my soul as well as others! Life's about writing things down, like it always had been.
Life right now is also about Finding Myself. In me and You. And because You found me first. Life's about Loving myself and loving others.
Life is about Discipline, Because I'm a warrior for You & because of You. I know I'm Lazy, but with You (and some Tough Hard Discipline) I know I change by Your Grace.

 Life's about You in me and me in You.

Life's about seeing another's heart first and outside's last (so so hard)

Life's about losing the things I once held close and GRABBING onto You.

Life's about loving the ones that hurt me and hating the things that plague my heart soul and mind like lust and self-hatred.

Life's about SEEING for the first time.
Life's about taking Leaps of faith  that have me feeling like I'm going to fall any minute (though I don't  cause You catch me and Calm Me Down, no matter what).
(Life's about regret when I don't take those leaps of faith) .
Life's about PRAISING through the madness
Singing through the tears and screaming Hallelujah even when it appears as if I have nothing, Because I have EVERYTHING I need because of You and the sacrifice of Your Son.

Life's about living under Your Mercy. Your Grace. Your abundant blessings. Your Love.
Life's about lighting other hearts with You.
Life's about falling after proud moments and being raised by the MASTER, after humble ones.

Life's about seeing that God's way is Good and my way is NONSENSE.

Life's about being the sheep
to Your shepherd.
 The King's Princess.
the Bride to Your Bridegroom.
the Church to Christ <3
the humble servant to Your Merciful Master.
the prodigal Son to Your Father.
Life's about waking up with a reason to LIVE!
Life's about breathing in and breathing out.
Life's ABOUT the SPIRIT helping me with EVERYTHING.
Life's about realizing that every moment of clear thought is a Gift from You.
Life's about being Grateful to YOU.
Life's about being Angry, Confused and sometimes Life's about crying out to You in the midst of Pain.
Life's about ANSWERS from You.
Life's about Promises from You.
Life's about Mysteries, because could I ever understand You?

Life's about realizing how small I am (and a person is in general) in comparison to You.

Life's about discovering that You Sense of Humour is Brilliant. Life's about admiring Your attention to detail...and about not grasping Everything about You and Wanting More of You!

Lord, I've been realizing that I'm sort of like a parasite (although I don't like to picture myself as one- not a pretty sight, sorry) I've been attaching myself onto people and things and dreams and...things of this world. And they weren't able to fill me up.
because, well, because- they're the wrong HOSTS.

You're the right HOST to my Parasite!!
When I read the part in the Bible, where Jesus says "Eat me" it brought me to tears and when you say "Drink of me, I am the Living Water and those who drink me will NEVER thirst" I realize You've put a fountain of living water in me! Thanks to the Holy Spirit in me, it make sense and in Francis Chan's message (About Idolizing?)where in He explained how You look down at me (and other people) and are just broken and confused as to why I would leave YOU (Fountain of Living Water) and chase a broken cistern . instead (say a person..). For I have exchanged a creation in the place of a Creator.
A Blessing can never fill me up.
But You can and have. Help me never forget that .
Your little girl

It's been a while since I slowed down, the way I had whilst writing the above letter, and analysed exactly what my life is about; What my "Feelings" are in general, and where I'm heading. This is the sort of stuff I write down in my letters to God (and in my 'journal' before I began writing letters to God), it puts things in good perspective and then it sort of stays that way so I can re-read it later and remember what I was made for.
Which is a good thing.

What is your life about right now?
If you could .. what would you change for the better? why?



  1. I really enjoyed reading and how you have written what is purpose of your life.


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