
Hey there,

Death- is something that will probably happen to us one day.
Perhaps within the next minute, next decade or the next 100 years. We're all quickly become familiar with it as we grow up because it's a part of our lives.
Death scared me sometimes.

There have been times when I've realized that I was living (with a beating heart and a respiratory system which makes sure that mostly Oxygen containing air goes into my system and Carbon dioxide rich air comes out of it), but not really with purpose.

When there are so many people whose lives end abruptly or after a long battle against cancer - who die without even getting the chance to have the choices that we-who are alive and well right now have - why must we not dwell on all the perks we have??

Purpose - is the reason for 'why' I lived the way I did or still do sometimes.
Why would anyone live everyday searching for ways to do everything they think of doing on my To-Do-List, or 50 things to do before I die List. There ain't nothing wrong with To-Do Lists and Bucket Lists, but perhaps I needn't have let them get so important to me
  - because , after getting the thing I want , I often don't want it any more.
But the thing is, I've discovered my purpose -- The reason for my existence- the thing that would have made my 17 yr old pre-purpose-discovering self wide-eyed with surprise because it was the one thing I'd wanted to figure out the most.

Are there others out there? Haha, I'm kidding , that's not the point of this post!!
Real Caption: Could there be a reason for my existence??

I've lost myself and found myself. 

But there's a catch here that I didn't know about then,
 Dear Jeffy of 17 years old : Finding your purpose doesn't mean you won't forget it in the future. It doesn't mean that you are immune to distractions. Discovering what your purpose is, is just the beginning. It's a milestone crossed-yes, but it means nothing if you don't hold on to it with all you've got until the very end.
     The initial shine sometimes appears to wear off - but that's not because your object of interest is growing dimmer, it's 'cause you're looking away. Keep your eyes fixed on the only Light that will lead you home sweetheart, but remember you can't do it alone.. but you've got all the help you'll ever need, so be humble enough to ask!

Death also signifies or underlines our limited nature. Our limited nature to understand what exactly is going on before and after our own time period on Earth - and most of the rest of our Universe otherwise.

Our life on earth ends.
And in this one life we have, I could either give it everything I've got  - all my heart, strength, mind and spirit or I could choose to let my interests be divided, and not hold what I know is truly important close to me with My Life.
And along the way there are going to be people who will not completely understand why I do the things I do...or I might forget my purpose and go astray.
 But what if, at the end of life it isn’t going to be between us and them or even myself and me - and what if we are going to be held responsible for why we've done the things we've done.

Choosing to give it all I have to fulfilling my purpose some how-lifts the fear that I've had of Death.
What if, I wonder, I choose to not do it - I know I'd regret it more, because my Purpose gives me Life, Joy and Strength, but not giving it all I have-is like Living Asleep-or Dead.
P.S. I'd love to read about your thoughts!


  1. Great post Jeffy as always... We are as good as dead unless we have purpose to live for...

    1. so true ... and it's hard to hold on to this purpose. But so so worth it


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