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Hello there wonderful reader.
Today I thought I'd try out something different. I'm going to be using a prompt from the NaBloPoMo July 2013 Prompts page (this page)
Friday, July 12, 2013
How do you feel when you're unconnected to the Internet?
I think that as a normal human being, I've noticed-like millions of other fellow humans, that the internet is a wonderful space and it has a lot to offer.
Primarily because, people have a lot to offer --> and so people on the internet reach out to people all across the globe, and beautiful things happen because of this.
However I've also noticed that there is a downside to all of this.(just like there is a downside to people too) 
It begins when I get way too excited about certain aspects of it. Even websites like Youtube can be a bad thing if I have too much of it. I've lost myself to several websites, where I spend hours and hours online without control over myself.
I've wasted a lot of time too.
I've actually written about deleting my Facebook account, earlier, in this post- Life After Facebook.
Right now, being unconnected to the internet - might feel little strange at first, I must admit.
And from the way I had been craving to go on Facebook again a few days earlier, showed me that it might be harder to be disconnected over long periods of time.
But, honestly, I don't think it would matter too much to me. Because hey, I'd still be alive and well (probably) and there'd be real, live Human beings to talk to (again probably..)
And if there weren't any people around me, then I'd admire nature, I'd stare at the sky and the rain. I'd go to the beach and I'd always be connected to my Creator and Saviour.
I think that's the "Big secret" here. A lot of people who know me - know that I enjoy being by myself and doing things my own unique way and I know it appears like I'm a lonely person.
But, I know that God is always with me, so I don't actually feel alone, at all.
I'd miss not being connected to the world wide web, surely, but I'd still feel content.
So dearest reader, I'm going to now ask you the exact same thing : how do you feel (how do you suppose you'd feel) when you're unconnected to the internet?
P.s. It's been a while since I've actually been unconnected from the internet - however I have done it in the past and this is how I've felt in the recent past. But the future might be different..Thanks for reading :)
 P.p.s. I'm also grateful that my life is amazing right now because I can actually choose to remain online or be offline as I life, go outside and walk around when I like.. and it reminds me that I'm free to be myself. I'm not it prison, or affected with terminal illness at this moment. Thank God for everything I've been blessed with and thank God because of whom I'm free inside and out : ) :)
 Love Jeff



  1. There is a lot you can accomplished when you go offline... I think it's a matter of balance.

    Life With Lorelai

    stopping by from NaBloPoMo :)

    1. I think it's a matter of balance too.. thanks for stopping by, I read your blog yesterday :)


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