For Better or For Worse.

Song : Beloved - Tenth Avenue North
We all have our top favourite songs. It could be the rhythm that drives us to listen to them, the music or the lyrics. But most of the time, it's a blend of many things (that I don't fully understand, myself). Sometimes it is something that is not so easily identifiable by everybody. I believe the Spirit behind certain songs are quite different from the usual. And undeniably, I think it's this part of the music that attracts me to the Song.
After all, Singing is the Expression of Feelings and Emotions.
When I FIRST listened to the song Beloved (and also the story behind it)
found over here :   
and here:
at that point, I was feeling a broken, ashamed of myself, soaking I the guilt that my actions resulted in and kind of ready to believe that  I wasn't worth anything. it was also after the time when I completely mistrusted God and ran away from Him.
So at that time , this song meant a lot to me.
Without God's Love in the centre of this song and the Holy Spirit inside of me, this song would be empty and mean nothing to me.
Would you dare to believe that God loves you? That He's Crazy about you and is willing to be patient with you no matter what you've done (in a way no person could do..)- and was Passionate enough to die for you to save you from yourself? And all He asks is that you Trust Him, which we cannot do if we do not love Him. And how can we Love Him if we don't know Him?
