It's been a long long long long long long long time, since the last time I put up a book review - although reading books is something I enjoy quite a lot (and get oddly excited about :D)
So, I believe there are going to be a lot more of these here soon! (especially now since ... I've committed to NaBloPoMo July 2013)
My whole world jumped is a simple read, recommended to me by one of my closest friends (which is one of the best compliments a book can receive - a trustworthy recommendation.)
The story revolves around a teen aged boy named Dave-who is quite simply caught up in his high school life, (like we all were/ are at some points of our lives). That one girl (or boy), scraping through tests, people you don't enjoy being with , fitting in (or not fitting in), popularity, tough parents etc. - an all too familiar story that I found to be quite relatable, although I felt that I have crossed this portion of my life.
High school was tough for me, and so it is with Dave - but as with everybody's lives, his has several ups and downs as well. He receives mysterious package one day and in it is a CD. The CD opens into a sort of "Interactive-animation-of-sorts" and a(n animated) guide, leads and animated version of himself through it.
Questions that have been unanswered burn in his mind, as he tries to figure out the person who saved him as a child - when he and his twin sister accidentally drowned in a water body. However he was rescued by - somebody whom his parents do not wish to speak about.
Somehow the identities of the person from this missing memory (which still haunts him in the form of nightmares) and the mysterious sender of the CD seem to be linked - and Dave tries to uncover these secrets.
The contents of the CD leads Dave into discovering much deeper Truths than those which he had set out looking for - the Truth that Jesus died for him.
Title : My Whole World Jumped
Author: Jonathan Brant
Genre: Juvenile fiction
So, I believe there are going to be a lot more of these here soon! (especially now since ... I've committed to NaBloPoMo July 2013)
My whole world jumped is a simple read, recommended to me by one of my closest friends (which is one of the best compliments a book can receive - a trustworthy recommendation.)
The story revolves around a teen aged boy named Dave-who is quite simply caught up in his high school life, (like we all were/ are at some points of our lives). That one girl (or boy), scraping through tests, people you don't enjoy being with , fitting in (or not fitting in), popularity, tough parents etc. - an all too familiar story that I found to be quite relatable, although I felt that I have crossed this portion of my life.
High school was tough for me, and so it is with Dave - but as with everybody's lives, his has several ups and downs as well. He receives mysterious package one day and in it is a CD. The CD opens into a sort of "Interactive-animation-of-sorts" and a(n animated) guide, leads and animated version of himself through it.
Questions that have been unanswered burn in his mind, as he tries to figure out the person who saved him as a child - when he and his twin sister accidentally drowned in a water body. However he was rescued by - somebody whom his parents do not wish to speak about.
Somehow the identities of the person from this missing memory (which still haunts him in the form of nightmares) and the mysterious sender of the CD seem to be linked - and Dave tries to uncover these secrets.
The contents of the CD leads Dave into discovering much deeper Truths than those which he had set out looking for - the Truth that Jesus died for him.
Title : My Whole World Jumped
Author: Jonathan Brant
Genre: Juvenile fiction
LoveAs the tears ran down my cheeks it seemed to me that my ears popped and my whole world jumped, just a millionth of a millionth of a centimeter, then dropped back into place. Nothing had changed and yet absolutely everything seemed altered. Dave is a sixteen-year-old boy at Southerton Comprehensive. School is either hostile or boring and his parents are depressing, but there's always his best friend Charlie to cheer him up, and the beautiful Sophie to dream about. Then one morning, the arrival of a mysterious CD ROM seemingly created just for him, draws him back into his tragic past. Who is the sender? What is the truth of his past? Even the excitement of swimming success and unexpected progress with Sophie can't distract Dave from his overwhelming need to answer these questions. As he struggles to find the answers he is caught up in an even greater mystery: What exactly is the point of life? My Whole World Jumped is a novel that presents the Alpha course in a way that is relevant and digestible.
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