Things I've learnt at the end of the 2nd year in college :

Hello  : )
I really enjoyed writing the Things I've learnt at the end of the 1st year post and so here's the next part:

1.       Very little things are actually under my control : things like what other people think about me, what the weather is going to be in 6 months’ time,  how far away the earth is from the sun--I'll never have control over- I’ve learnt that I need to remember to not worry about these things- ‘cause, well, I’m not meant to.

2.       There are a whole LOT of things that ARE under my control, which I SHOULD be aware of: like what I think about myself, how I spend my time, the things I think about, the people I spend time with, how I look at different  situations, whether I am grateful or not, the things I speak (whether I think before I say something or not), to listen to what someone is saying, whether I can either Love or Hate a person (and so on and so forth). These things, I’ve learnt are LITERALLY blessings from God, and I am accountable for how I choose to do life.

3.       Nevertheless, even if I do forget 1 and 2, and make a mess of situations- I’m learning to look to God to forgive me and heal my mess. To get back up and remember that sooner or later I’m probably going to laugh about the whole deal.

4.       I’m learning not to dwell in the past and to focus on right now. ‘Cause only now is real. The future is out of my hands, but that doesn’t mean I loaf off now.

5.       That God is Faithful. By that; I mean that God is Truth. Nobody else can say “I love you and I will never leave you nor forsake you” and completely mean it too-and that’s not their fault either.  I have done some pretty nasty stuff against Him, but He still loves me. So, yea. No matter who leaves me, and what happens – He’ll always be there. :D

6.       That I shouldn’t underestimate anything or anybody. Everybody is capable of surprising you.

7.       I’m learning the art of forgiveness. This is a slowwww process for me  - I wish it wasn’t, but it is.

8.       To Love Myself- this requires constant reminding, because over the years- it’s like I’ve forgotten what it’s like to Love myself.
But here’s the thing: I will always be me, and not somebody else. I will always have to live “with myself”. So inclusive of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly parts of me- I’ve got to love myself.

9.       To not love somebody else more than I love myself. This sounds weird, but I have been this love starved person- and a lot of us are…and until Love found me, I have been constantly trying to find love in others. This is just too stressful for a mere person to handle.
I know people might have trouble not to love themselves more than they love others- I occasionally have that problem as well.

10.   That staying true to myself is one of the most important things EVER. That I shouldn’t go out of my way to impress people.

 I'm doing a lot more things that I really want to do. So, Thank God for that :D
Once again, Here's to an amazing YEAR AHEAD!! :D


  1. Anything can be under the control of Little Jeffy :)

    Very little things are actually under my control : like what other people think about me, what the weather is going to be in 6 months’ time, how far away the earth is from the sun etc.- I’ve learnt that I need to remember to not worry about these things- ‘cause, well, I’m not meant to.

  2. hahaha! Thank you for pointing that out. I've edited it now :P :D


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