
No, I don't mean the sort of thing a person does with a report to a teacher in school.

Here's what I mean:
"to submit" meaning,"to accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person."

When we were all very young, I'm guessing that there we were mostly surrounded by some form of authority - to whom we had to submit to.
I never really had a choice there.
I was born to certain set of parents , I had an older sister and  when the time came-I got to go to school, with a certain set of teachers. At home, there were obviously other people around too, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.
The point is- submitting to these people was something I was expected to be doing even before I learnt that I was a Human being. Whether I did actually submit to them or not - is a totally different matter.
18 years into my life and there are a new set of "people" (family aside) that I "ought" to be submitting to.
 This concept is something anybody with an ego (which is everybody) naturally, has a problem with. For one, I had come to realize that these people I'm supposed to be 'submitting' to, were all imperfect people who didn't have a clue, mostly, themselves.

We are all a bunch of 'Know-Nothings' ourselves- so why should I "submit to" or be a "superior force" to anybody else?

  However, there is a "Know-Everything" that I know of, and His Name is God.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, I've come to see that submission is not the UGLY RACOON MONSTER I'd made it out to be in my head.
 It was something much much more than that.
The vital thing I had forgotton is that we have a choice - the key word to me, in the definition above (in purple) is "to accept". It's crazy but this little thing , made all the difference to me.
   It meant that when someone wishes to propose to you something - you don't have to accept.
It's a choice.
When God - the maker of the whole wide Universe- said that He loved me...I didn't have to accept Him. It was a choice. That's the beautifully crazy and simple thing that makes 'submission-by-choice' different from 'being-controlled-by-somebody-through-guilt-and-force'.
 The matter of choice, sort of places importance on the "not-so-superior-force" (even when they don't deserve it, as in the case of God and man).

  However, a while back- when none of this occured to me,I was just downright angry with God.
 How could this possibly be His perfect plan for my life and for peoples' lives in general?
People are Know-Nothings, they don't 'get' (understand) me.

I was literally beating my fists on surfaces, thinking "Why? Lord, Why?"
"Why give me all these ideas and strength to do ...and want me to choose to submit to somebody else? Why give me all this Power? And wish for me to not use it in any way I can?"

And then this picture pops-up in my head.
Of Jesus, being taunted- by a bunch of Know Nothings - to show them His power as He was being taken away to be crucified.
If He was really King of Jews, if He really was God in the form of man, all He had to do was show them that it was true.
But there He was, quiet as a Lamb.  

He might've wanted to show them - really show them who He was. I mean He could've just snapped His fingers - made the world implode in itself and then escaped in a rocket ship.

"Peace Out, Suckers!!" - But, this is not what really happened- right? 

Jesus chose to let them taunt Him to the best of their abilities. Why?
Because it's what His Father in Heaven, wanted Him to do.

Simple ain't it?

Jesus died.
He CHOSE to let them crucify Him. For us. For me.

But wait, there's more. He rose again, and defeated Death in itself. And reigns as King. As God's own Boy.

This is Proof for me, that submitting to Know-Nothings is the right thing to do if - it's what the Know-Everything wants me to do. Because there's a bigger picture, that I can't see.

And by submitting to Know - Nothings, I'm actually submitting to my favourite Know- Everything in the whole wide Universe.

