Why Serve? :D

Hey :),
 Here is something I wrote for an English Test. It roughly and briefly explains why I think everybody should be involved in some form of positive "service"(and by that I mean, helping others out, keeping only the uplifting of others in mind - for absolutely no personal benefit.)

     Positive change in society begins only when its smallest and most important units - its individuals - begin to think and act positively. Citizens involved in service begin to understand that the world is much bigger than themselves and their problems. They also begin to obtain a different perspective- one which helps them see that their lives needn't be wasted, but can be full of joy and be used to change other lives as well. By this, both the one who is served and the one who serves is benefited. If we want our county to change, we need to see that we are an integral part of it, and by our actions show those around us, through service. 

I know I've said "for absolutely no personal benefit" and then , in the passage mentioned that " by this, both the one who is served and the one who serves if benefited" - and it sounds contradictory, but - it isn't . What I mean is personal benefit will roll in once we focus on other things, besides ourselves. 
   I'm not saying that I am an somebody who is an extremely experienced person in the field of Service. 
Au contraire , I am aware of how much I painfully lack in giving back to the society. But I will strive, to maybe become that person someday. One of the main reasons for my posting this here, on this blog, is so that it remains (for however long this page may exist) as a reminder for myself. 

 // Have been Missing In Action for several months mostly because I have been focussing on growth and taking a break-in general. I'm SUPER EXCITED to be writing here again :). Thanks for reading. God Bless :D
