not knowing what to do next.

This subject bothers me every once in a while. And lately, it's bothered me a little more than usual.
This is probably because I'm in that point in life, between school and college, (well, technically I'm already in college, but yeah. ) where-in addition to the constant nagging I hear inside my head, my thoughts about not liking the place where I'm at, mixed in with questions about what I really want- there are these people in every direction who want to KNOW, information that is probably useless to them anyway.

But of course they ask anyway.
And I don't blame them really. Because I, a little shamefully, admit, to being in that group of people who want to know. ( I already ask the question "so, what do you want to do next?" a little excessively to people, mostly to those who are younger than me, whose stages of lives I have already stumbled across.I don't know why I do this, I seriously don't.
 I try to stop myself, but then when my mind draws a blank and I have nothing else to say to them, in the middle of the conversation, the words automatically come out and oddly enough, I don't even regret it.)

Has your mind drawn a blank in the middle of a conversation? NO PROBLEM(ASK A QUESTION)! 

Obviously, not every person, is undergoing agony, (similar to mine) when I ask them the question . Some people ( the beautiful, wonderful people from the land of "IAlwaysKnowWhereI'mGoing"- which, unfortunately does NOT exist.) delight, and even wait to be asked the question. So they can tell me, that things are going exactly as planned, and surely enough they're exactly on track, and where they want to be in their lives.
These people amaze me, and I must admit, there were numerous times when I've wished that I could be more like them.
 Thank God for the internet.
Things changed, when I realized that I wasn't the only one who didn't know. Not the only one, who felt like they were stuck to a place they didn't exactly like, and was watching , simply watching everybody else happily get on track and move forward. At some point, I've realized that not everything is going to be under my control and not everything is going to go as planned.
And that sometimes, it's okay not to know. No matter how many people disapprove of it.

Because, like everything else in life, this "state-of-not-knowing" is ,also, bound to change.



  1. Now thats a post directly from the heart. You are not one of those people who know nothing have no plans but yet pretend "IAlwaysKnowWhereIamGoing". But honestly its better to trust God have faith and move on and sometimes knowing not where we are going... Now thats adventurous...


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